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Monday, 22 March 2021

FTMK - 资讯科技 Information Technology (Diploma)

DIT - Diploma in Information Technology
Diploma Teknologi Maklumat & Komunikasi









大学必修科University Requirement Course

·       DLHW 1012    Foundation English

·       DLHW 1032    Malaysian Studies

·       DLHW 1722    Philosophy of Science & Technology

·       DKKX xxx1     Co-Curriculum I

·       DTMW 1012    Fundamental of Entrepreneurial Acculturation

·       DKKX xxx1     Co-Curriculum II

·       DLHW 2422    English for Effective Communication

·       DLHW 1742    Leadership

·       DLHW 3432    English for Marketability


科系必修科Core Course

·       DITI 1213        Calculus

·       DITI 1113        Programming I

·       DITP 1333       Database

·       DITS 1133       Computer Organization & Architecture

·       DITM 2113      Multimedia System

·       DITI 1223        Discrete Mathematics

·       DITP 2213       System Analysis and Design

·       DITP 1123       Programming II

·       DITS 2213       Operating System

·       DITM 2123      Web Programming

·       DITI 2333        Linear Algebra and Numerical Methods

·       DITP 2113       Data Structure and Algorithm

·       DITP 3113       Object-Oriented Programming

·       DITS 2313       Data Communication and Networking

·       DITI 2233        Statistics and Probalibity

·       DITU 3933       System Development Workshop

·       DITP 2123       Event-Based Programming

·       DITU 2343       Industrial Training

·       DITU 2362       Industrial Training Report

·       DITU 3964       Diploma Project

·       DITS 2413       Computer Security


选修科Elective Couse

·       DITP 3253       Software Requirement and Design

·       DITP 3263       Software Verification and Validation

·       DITP 3273       Strategic Information System Planning

·       DITP 3313       Database Design

·       DITP 3323       Database Administration

·       DITP 2313       Databased Programming

·       DITP 3213       Software Engineering

·       DITM 3133      Digital Audio and Video Technology

·       DITM 3143      Digital Media Design

·       DITM 3313      User Interface Design

·       DITM 3323      Introduction to Computer Games Programming

·       DITI 3113        Artificial Intelligence

·       DITI 3123        Logic Programming

·       DITI 3513        Artificial Intelligence in Robotics and Automation

·       DITS 3613       Basic Networking

·       DITS 3623       Network Routing

·       DITS 3633       Implementing and Administering Active Directory

·       DITS 3643       Implementing and Administering Network Infrastructure



·      资讯科技工业(Information Technology Industries

·      顾问公司(Consultancies Companies

·      研究和开发部门(Research and Development Sector



·      资讯科技助理(Information Technology Technical Assistant

·      技术专家(Technical Specialist

·      企业家(Entrepreneur

·      教育界人士(Academician

·      资讯科技程序员Information Technology Programmer 

·      多媒体程序员Multimedia Programmer

·      软体开发员Software Developer

·      分析程序员Analyst Programmer



·       除了部分大学必修科(University Requirement Courses以马来文教学外,其余科系必修科(Core Courses和选修科(Elective是以英文教学,但讲师偶尔会以马来文作为翻译。

·       此修读学科资料只限于2020/2021,任何科目变动还需在各学院的手册作为参考。

·       大学学院官方手册网址:
