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Monday, 22 March 2021

FPTT - 工艺管理(供应链管理和物流) Technology Management (Supply Chain Management and Logistics) (BTMS)

BTMS - Bachelor of Technology ManagementSupply Chain Management and Logisticswith Honours
Sarjana Muda Pengurusan TeknologiPengurusan Rantaian Bekalan dan LogistikDengan Kepujian








大学必修科University Requirement Course

·       BLHL 1010      Foudation English Programme

·       BLHW 1442     English for Academic Purposes

·       BLHW 1702     Islam in and Asian Civilization (TITAS)

·       BKKX xxx1     Co-Curriculum I

·       BKKX xxx2     Co-Curriculum II

·       BLHW 2452     Academic Writing

·       BLHW 2712     Ethnic Relations

·       BLHW 2752*   Malaysian Culture

·       BLHW 3462     English for Professiona Interaction

·       BTMW 4012    Technology Entrepreneurship

·       BTMP 1063      Human Resource Management and Technology

* 只有国际学生需报读。


科系必修科Core Course

·       BTMU 1013     Business and Organizational Management

·       BTMU 1023     Management of Technology

·       BTMP 1013      Business Mathematics

·       BTMP 1023      Principle of Managerial Economics

·       BTMP 1043      Principle of Marketing

·       BTMU 1093     Business Statistic

·       BTMP 1023      Principle of Economics

·       BTMS 1013      Supply Chain Principles

·       BTMP 2543      Principle of Finance

·       BTMP 2073      Business Law

·       BTMP 1083      Management of Information System

·       BTMU 2103     Operations Management

·       BTMS 2013      Freight Transport Management

·       BTMS 2033      Global Logistics Management

·       BTMP 2563      Digital Media in Marketing

·       BMCG 2323     Manufacturing Proses

·       BITG 2323       Database

·       BTMS 2043      Inventory Management

·       BTMS 2053      Management of Service

·       BTMS 2063      Supply Chain Strategic Sourcing

·       BTMP 2233      Quality Management

·       BTMS 3073      SC Systems Optimization

·       BTMS 3083      Supply Chain Risk Management and Design

·       BTMU 3072     Final Year Project 1

·       BTMS 3123      Electronic Commerce and Web Design

·       BTMS 3103      International Trade Policy, Regulation and Ethnics

·       BTMU 4084     Final Year Project II

·       BTMU 4043     Business Plan (Capstone Project)

·       BTMU 3056     Industrial Training

·       BTMU 4066     Industrial Training Report


选修科Elective Couse

·       BTMS 4133      Supply Chain Project Management

·       BTMS 4143      Supply Chain and Logistic Performance

·       BTMS 4153      Simulation in Supply Chain And Logistics

·       BTMT 3323     Business Management Contemporary

·       BTMS 3113      Sustainable Supply Chain and Logistics Management

·       BLHW xxxx     Creative and Critical Thinking

·       BLHW xxxx     Negotiation

·       BLHW xxxx     Organizational and Industrial Psychology

·       BLHW xxxx     Organizational Communication



·      市场营销(Marketing

·      销售和业务发展(Sales & Business Development

·      市场研究(Market Research

·      机构的趋势(Institutional Trends

·      通信和活动机构(Communication & Event Agency

·      销售和业务发展(Sales & Business Development

·      采购业(Purchasing Industry



·      行政和监督(Administration & Supervisory Roles in Export/Import

·      采购和分销经理(Procurement & Distribution Manager

·      货运代理和海关官员(Freight Forwarding & Customs Officer

·      仓储和库存控制员(Warehousing & Inventory Controller

·      股票分析师或研究员(Stock Analyst or Researcher

·      供应链经理(Supply Chain Manager



·       除了部分大学必修科(University Requirement Courses以马来文教学外,其余科系必修科(Core Courses和选修科(Elective是以英文教学,但讲师偶尔会以马来文作为翻译。

·       此修读学科资料只限于2020/2021,任何科目变动还需在各学院的手册作为参考。

·       大学学院官方手册网址:
