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Wednesday, 24 March 2021

FTKMP - 制造工程科技 Manufacturing Engineering Technology (BMMW)

BMMW – Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering Technology with Honours
Sarjana Muda Teknologi Kejuruteraan Pembuatan Dengan Kepujian








大学必修科University Requirement Course

·       BKKX xxx1     Co-Curriculum I

·       BLHW 1702     Islamic and Asian Civilizations

·       BKKX xxx1     Co-Curriculum II

·       BLHW 2403     Technical English

·       BLHC 4032      Critical & Creative Thinking

·       BLHW 3403     English for Professional Communication

·       BMMW 38x3   Elective II

·       BLHL 1xx2      Third Language


科系必修科Core Course

·       BMMU 1013    Technical Mathematics

·       BLHW 1722     Philosophy of Science and Technology

·       BMMR 1343    Computer Programming

·       BMMD 1304    Engineering Drawings & CAD

·       BMMP 1323    Manufacturing Processes

·       BMMA 1313    Principle of Electric & Electronic

·       BMMU 1023    Calculus for Technology

·       BMMA 1333    Statics

·       BMMM 2303   Solid Mechanics

·       BMMP 1313    Engineering Materials

·       BMMW 1303   CAD-CAM and CNC Technology

·       BMMU 2043    Statistical Methods

·       BMMD 2313    Thermo Fluid

·       BMMP 2333    Quality Management

·       BMMW 2313   Industrial Robotic & Automation

·       BMMW 2323   Data Management & Process Optimization

·       BMMU 2033    Advanced Calculus for Technology

·       BMMM 2313   Dynamics & Mechanics of Machine

·       BMMW 2333   Additive Manufacturing

·       BMMW 2343   Product Design & Manufacturing

·       BMMD 3583    CAE

·       BMMW 3353   Manufacturing Management

·       BMMU 3803    Integrated Design Project

·       BMMD 3553    Ergonomics Design

·       BMMW 3363   Business Process Integration

·       BTMW 4012    Technology Entrepreneurship

·       BMMU 3764    Bachelor Degree Project I

·       BMMW 3373   Visual Manufacturing

·       BMMW 3383   IIOT

·       BMMP 3533    Advanced Manufacturing Process

·       BMMU 4053    Engineering Ethics & OSHE

·       BMMD 4013    Sustainable Development

·       BMMU 4774    Bachelor Degree Project II

·       BMMW 4393   Engineering Financial, Costing & Economics

·       BMMU 4786    Industrial Training

·       BMMU 4796    Industrial Training Report


选修科Elective Couse

·       BMMW 3803   Structural Components of Aircraft

·       BMMW 3813   Jigs & Fixtures for Aerospace

·       BMMW 3823   Visual Communication

·       BMMW 3833   Automotive Component Manufacturing

·       BMMW 3843   Data Structure & Algorithm

·       BMMW 3853   Digital Factory & Simulation

·       BMMW 3863   Composite Components for Aerospace

·       BMMW 3873   Measurement & Inspection for Aerospace

·       BMMW 3883   Product Architecture & Userability Testing

·       BMMW 3893   Consumer Product Design & Development

·       BMMW 3903   Cyber Security in Digital Manufacturing

·       BMMW 3913   Artificial Intelligence

·       BMMW 4923   Metallic Components for Aerospace

·       BMMW 4933   Aerospace Component Machining

·       BMMW 4943   Packaging Design &Technology

·       BMMW 4953   Vehicle Design & Development

·       BMMW 4963   IT Communication in Digital Manufacturing

·       BMMW 4973   Advanced Manufacturing Enterprise



·      航空公司(Airlines Company

·      通讯公司(Telecom Company



·      讲师(Lecturer

·      机场管理与维修工程师(Airport Management & Maintenance Engineer

·      技术工程师(Technical Engineer

·      机械设计师(Mechanical Designer

·      项目工程师(Project Engineer

·      设计工程师(Design Engineer



·       除了部分大学必修科(University Requirement Courses以马来文教学外,其余科系必修科(Core Courses和选修科(Elective是以英文教学,但讲师偶尔会以马来文作为翻译。

·       此修读学科资料只限于2020/2021,任何科目变动还需在各学院的手册作为参考。

·       大学学院官方手册网址:
