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Monday, 22 March 2021

FTMK - 电脑科学(互动媒体)Computer Science (Interactive Media) (BITM)

BITM - Bachelor of Computer ScienceInteractive Mediawith Honours
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains KomputerMedia InteraktifDengan Kepujian





此科系的存在是为了要栽培出一批能高度掌握资讯工 艺及通讯知识与技巧的毕业生。此科系学生的专长是在于开发和管 理网页﹑动画﹑电脑平面造型设计及电脑游戏设计。此科系的毕业生的工作范围相当广泛。其中包括市场与广告﹑制造业﹑画廊与博物馆﹑电视与电影﹑娱乐﹑公共教育﹑资讯工业等等。



大学必修科University Requirement Course

·       BLHW 2712     Ethnic Relations

·       BLHW 1702     Islamic & Asian Civilization (TITAS)

·       BLHL xxx2      Third Language

·       BKKX xxxx     Co-Curriculum I

·       BLHW 2403     Technical English

·       BKKX xxxx     Co-Curriculum II

·       BLHW 3403     English for Professional Communication

·       BLHL 1012*    Malay Communication I

·       BLHW 2752*   Malaysian Culture

·       BLHW 1742*   Malaysian Studies

·       BTMW 4012    Technology Entrepreneurship

·       BLHC 4032      Critical and Creative Thinking

·       BLHW1010**  Foundation English Programme

* 只有国际学生需报读。

** 此科目针对于在MUET测试中获得 BAND 3 或以下的学生。


科系必修科Core Course

·       BITI 1213         Linear Algebra and Discrete Mathematics

·       BITP 1113        Programming Technique

·       BITS 1123        Computer Organization and Architecture

·       BITM 1113      Multimedia System

·       BITI 1223         Calculus and Numerical Methods

·       BITP 1123        Data Structure and Algorithm

·       BITS 1313        Data Communication and Networking

·       BITM 2213      Computer Animation

·       BITP 1323        Database

·       BITU 2913       Workshop I

·       BITM 1123      Interactive Media Authoring

·       BITM 2123      Digital Audio and Video Technology

·       BITS 1213        Operating System

·       BITP 3113        Object Oriented Programming

·       BITP 2213        Software Engineering

·       BACS 2213      Statistic and Probability

·       BITI 1113         Artificial Intelligence

·       BITM 3213      Interactive Computer Graphics

·       BITU 3923       Workshop II

·       BITS 2313        Human Computer Interaction

·       BITM 3113      Interactive Media Project Management

·       BITM 3133      Computer Games Development

·       BITM 3223      Virtual Reality Technology

·       BITU 3973       Final Year Project I

·       BITS 3423        Information Technology Security

·       BITU 3983       Final Year Project II

·       BTIU 3926       Industrial Training

·       BITU 3946       Industrial Training Report


选修科Elective Couse

·       BITE 3623       Motion Graphics

·       BITM 3413      Geographical Information System

·       BITP 2223        Software Requirements and Design

·       BITP 3353        Multimedia Database

·       BITS 2513        Internet Technology

·       BITM 2113      Web Application Development

·       BITP 3433        Mobile Application Development

·       BITI 2223         Machine Learning



·      电脑游戏公司Computer Game Company

·      网页设计及广告设计公司Web Design & Advertising Design Company



·      网页设计/开发人员Web Designer/Developer

·      电脑游戏设计师Computer Game Designer

·      电脑绘画设计师Computer Drawing Designer

·      电脑动画设计师Computer Animation Designer

·      音响与数码影像工程师Audio & Digital Imaging Engineer

·      用户界面设计师User Interface Designer

·      互动媒体运用开发人员Interactive Media Application Developers

·      多媒体顾问Multimedia Consultant

·      多媒体程序员Multimedia Programmer

·      系统分析人员System Analyst

·      资讯系统官员Information Systems Officer



·       除了部分大学必修科(University Requirement Courses以马来文教学外,其余科系必修科(Core Courses和选修科(Elective是以英文教学,但讲师偶尔会以马来文作为翻译。

·       此修读学科资料只限于2020/2021,任何科目变动还需在各学院的手册作为参考。

·       大学学院官方手册网址:
